We are your favourite
Stress Relief
Feel stressed?
Lack of energy and vitality?
Suffer from pain and discomfort?

Freedom from body stress promotes a better quality of life:
- Physically
- Mentally
- Emotionally
Body stress is a powerful factor in all our lives and can undermine our health and well-being in many ways.
Every day we are exposed to different types of stress:
- Mechanical -such as injury, strain or bad posture
- Chemical – such as air pollutants, additives or colourants in food, harmful chemicals in everyday products
- Mental or emotional stress – anxiety, depression, grief
Body stress may lead to pain, stiffness, postural distortion, numbness and cramps. Tension in the muscles may put pressure on your nerves which disturbs your body’s communication system. This reduces the efficiency of your body’s self-healing ability.
Body Stress Release offers a gentle and effective way to help your body release stored tension from the muscles i.e. ‘body stress’.
Body Stress Release works with your body’s natural desire to be stress-free. Clients are often amazed that such a gentle technique can be so effective in relieving their aches and pains.
While you are lying down, fully clothed, your practitioner tests your body for stored tension. Then, by applying gentle and precise pressure to the affected areas, your body is encouraged to ‘release’ the tension.
This stored tension may be the cause of the discomfort you are experiencing including backache, neck pain, headaches, sciatica and cramps.
Body Stress Release is a complementary health care technique that was researched and developed in South Africa in the 1980’s by Gail and Ewald Meggersee and is now practiced worldwide.

Your practitioner will book three initial appointments for you over a period of two weeks. It is important that you attend all three sessions as Body Stress Release works as a process.
During your first appointment, your practitioner will take a detailed case history. After the release, your practitioner will explain what they have found and give you advice on posture and show you some simple self-help techniques.
Responses are often rapid, although you may need further appointments depending on how your body responds and how long the tension has been stored. This is because the tight, protective layers of muscle, release gradually back to their normal state.
Body Stress Release is for everyone – from infants to the elderly. It is also safe during pregnancy. Clients coming for Body Stress Release are usually looking for relief from pain, stiffness or other discomfort. People of all ages and from all walks of life find Body Stress Release to be extremely effective.

Clients have reported relief from back pain, sciatica, “slipped discs”, headaches, migraines, neuralgia, indigestion and restricted movement. Other conditions that have improved with Body Stress Release include:
- Musculo-skeletal complaints including whiplash, frozen shoulders, repetitive strain injuries, hip pain, sports injuries, trapped nerves, scoliosis, bad posture, grinding of teeth.
- Gynaecological disorders including fertility problems, painful or irregular periods, menopausal side effects.
- Emotional problems including insomnia, anxiety, stress, general fatigue.
- Gastro-intestinal complaints including heartburn, indigestion, IBS, constipation and diarrhoea.
- Childhood complaints including colic in babies, poor posture, growing pains in children, bed-wetting.
NOTE – Body Stress Release is not a diagnosis or treatment of any condition. It simply assists with locating and releasing stored tension from the muscles

Contact Details:
Desiree’ Bodenstein
Cell: 082 840 1440
E-mail: desibod@gmail.com